Terror at Collinwood Episode 17: Many Characters, One Choice! with Rod Labbe

Rondo Award-winning writer Rod Labbe has interviewed many of the Dark Shadows stars over the years, and even ran the Dennis Patrick fan club in 1969-1970. He visits Terror at Collinwood to discuss his DS and monster memories! After that, Rod and Penny look at the DS actors who played six or more characters on the show and challenge themselves to pick their favorites from each set!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 05: Talking DS and Filmmaking with Ansel Faraj

Rondo Award-winning filmmaker Ansel Faraj visits with Penny to discuss his filmmaking experiences and influences, as well as many other Dark Shadows-related topics such as working with the DS stars, info on the 'Night of Dark Shadows' restoration project, what happened with the Burton film, not giving up on 'Dark Shadows: Reincarnation', trying to categorize the classic series, and tons of references to horror movies, TV shows, plays, and stories. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! There's a lot of info packed into this episode!

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