Terror at Collinwood Episode 82: The DS Characters of Clarice Blackburn with Tweetie Jackie Blackburn

The very skilled (and sometimes underrated) actress Clarice Blackburn played Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Abigail Collins, and Minerva Trask on Dark Shadows and appeared as Mrs. Castle in Night of Dark Shadows. After DS, Clarice also went on to become a successful television writer. Visiting the podcast to discuss Clarice’s DS characters is Tweetie Jackie Blackburn, an administrator of several prominent DS Facebook groups, including the Dark Shadows Appreciation Society, Angelique’s Lair (Fans of Lara Parker), and Barnabas Collins and the Old House! Other topics of discussion include: Tweetie’s experiences meeting DS stars such as Lara Parker, Christopher Pennock, and Jerry Lacy, visiting Seaview Terrace aka “Collinwood”, the upcoming Dark Shadows Remembrance weekend, future hopes for DS, and more! Join us for a fun and spirited chat!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 43: Angelique's 55th Anniversary with Lara Parker

On November 22, 1967, the vengeful and powerful witch Angelique made her debut on Dark Shadows and became an instant hit with viewers, remaining an important part of the series for the remainder of its run. The character subsequently took her place alongside Barnabas, and later Quentin, as a pop culture icon, appearing on assorted products and in DS spinoff media. Visiting the podcast to commemorate her legendary character's 55th anniversary is Lara Parker, the talented actress who portrayed Angelique onscreen! Discussion topics include: Lara's thoughts on Angelique, memories of working on DS, Night of Dark Shadows, Lara's DS novels, what makes DS special, terror vs. horror, the allure of vampires, the fans, and much more!

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